Par stiepšanos: The 12 Biggest Myths About Stretching


By Vaskis 18.06.2013 20:53:50

Member · 2,612 comments … tretching/

Used to getting loose and limber before going on a run? It may be time to think twice about reaching for those toes. There’s a good chance we’re stretching out the wrong way or for the wrong reasons. It’s time to debunk the biggest stretching myths, so we can bend, flex, and stretch— the right way.

1. Myth: Stretching prevents injury.

Researchers are finding that stretching won’t necessarily prevent sitting out on the sidelines. Injury is due to many factors, including poor technique, muscle imbalances, and not warming up properly. The upside: Greatist expert and trainer Kelvin Gary says the risk can be minimized by stretching regularly as part of a warm-up and cool down.
Truth: Injuries are complicated, but stretching may be one way to keep them at bay.

2. Myth: Stretching nixes soreness.

Aches from yesterday’s CrossFit W.O.D. might not fade with a few good stretches. In a study of over 2,000 adults, stretching before and after exercising didn’t stop those pesky post-workout aches and pains. (Fun fact: Feeling sore comes from micro tears in muscles, and stretching is not effective in preventing these tears and subsequent soreness, Gary notes.)
Truth: Soreness can strike any athlete, regardless of their stretching regime.

3. Myth: Stretching a few days a week is plenty.

We may not want to hit the gym seven days a week, but according to Greatist expert and triathlon coach Andrew Kalley, consistent stretching is key to increasing flexibility, range of motion, and potentially reducing the risk of muscle strain.
Truth: Stretching consistently is the best way to reap its benefits.

4. Myth: Static stretching should come first.

Stretching before a workout when the body is at rest can be harmful, since muscles may actually tighten up in the process. But static stretching after exercise is typically beneficial, helping the muscles to relax, Gary says.
Truth: Go static after working out— not before.

5. Myth: A bit of light cardio is the perfect warm-up.

A quick jog isn’t all you need before hitting the weights, the courts, or the ‘mill. Dynamic stretching (think: walking lunges, running butt kicks, and power skips) in addition to some light cardio will warm up muscles and prep the body for a safe and effective workout, Kalley and Gary advise.
Truth: A proper warm-up should include dynamic stretching, too.

6. Myth: Stretching won’t help performance.

Dynamic stretching involves movements that jump-start range of motion, making them a great warm-up solution. And like the name suggests, studies show these moves may even help power-up those muscles.
Truth: Dynamic stretching might give muscles an extra power boost.

7. Myth: It’s OK to jet out after a workout.

To get the most out of a workout, don’t forget to stretch at the finish line. Kalley recommends static stretching before hitting the locker room to relax those heated muscles. Try foam rolling post-workout/pre-stretching to really get those knots out.
Truth: Foam rolling and stretching are important post-exercise to-dos.

8. Myth: Stretch extra long on race day.

Don’t take those race day jitters out on cold muscles. Researchers have found that static stretching before sprints could both harm muscles and prevent athletes from reaching their A-game potential.
Truth: When it comes to stretching, treat race days like any other training day.

9. Myth: Stretching one muscle group will only relieve strain in that area.

Sore in one spot? The source may be another muscle group altogether. One example: Lower back pain isn’t necessarily from forgetting to stretch that back— the culprit could be tight hip flexors. (Sneaky, right?)
Truth: Everything’s connected. Stretch one area, and another might benefit, too.

10. Myth: A five-minute warm-up should cut it.

There’s no way we can squeeze in all those Frankensteins and hit the elliptical in five minutes flat. A proper warm-up often involves foam rolling, dynamic and active stretching, and then light cardio, Gary says, so don’t skimp out on warming up properly.
Truth: When it comes to warming up, take 10 (at least!).

11. Myth: All individuals need the same amount of stretching.

Working long hours at a desk can lead to seriously stiff muscles. So cube-dwellers, remember those muscles might need a little extra attention before and after working out.
Truth: Workaholics may need to stretch more than others.

12. Myth: I’m already flexible, so there’s no need to stretch.

Not necessarily. According to Gary, dynamic stretching and warming up are still important for everyone in order to increase blood flow to muscles. And remember, skimping out on stretching might also decrease flexibility over time.
Truth: Stick to stretching, even once flexibility goals are achieved.


By KKTK 19.06.2013 10:09:26

Member+ · 2,298 comments

Nu tad lai būtu par velo tēmu vai kāds negribētu izstāstīt/uzzīmēt, ko rekomendējas pastaipīt pēc treniņa, pēc gonkas?


By Riibeklis 19.06.2013 10:28:29

Member · 536 comments

Principā viss japastiepj smile

Kājas - ikri, aukštilbi, dibens

Жизнь надо прожить так, чтобы тебя мелом не обвели


By Vaskis 19.06.2013 10:40:41

Member · 2,612 comments

Pirmais ko piedāvā google:)


By KKTK 19.06.2013 11:45:01

Member+ · 2,298 comments
Vaskis wrote

Pirmais ko piedāvā google:)

Kā tad var zināt vai tas ko google pirmo piedāvā ir Myth vai Truth? wink