
  1. Atrašanās šajā forumā ir privilēģija, nevis Tavas tiesības.
  2. Nacionalitāti, sociālo grupu, dzimumu vai personību aizskaroši komentāri tiks vērtēti īpaši negatīvi. Šādi ieraksti tiks dzēsti un to autori izslēgti no foruma uz ilgu laiku, pretenzijas netiks izskatītas.
  3. Atkārtojošos burtu vai simbolu rindas, nevietā lietoti lielie burti vai atstarpes tiks uzskatīti par necieņu pret pārējiem foruma dalībniekiem.
    To autoriem tiks izteikts brīdinājums vai īslaicīgi liegta pieeja forumam.
  4. Nesankcionēta reklāma forumā ir aizliegta. Lietotājs drīkst izvietot privāta rakstura sludinājumus kategorijā "Sludinājumi".
  5. Par foruma pamatvalodu tiek pasludināta latviešu valoda. Un tomēr nav aizliegts izteikties citās valodās, ja tas nepieciešams, lai autors varētu skaidrāk un precīzāk formulēt domu. Un, ja tas ir saprotams arī pārējiem foruma dalībniekiem.
  6. Pirms nosūti savu komentāru, pārliecinies, ka tas pietiekami skaidri pauž to, ko vēlējies pateikt. Vislabāk rakstīt literārā valodā, lietojot paplašinātus teikumus un pieturzīmes, kur tas nepieciešams.
  7. Cieniet sevi un citus foruma dalībniekus.

Iesaku izlasīt: Ieteikumi jaunajiem dalībniekiem


BBCode is a collection of tags that are used to change the look of text in this forum. Below you can find all the available BBCodes and how to use them. Administrators have the ability to disable BBCode.

The following tags change the appearance of text:

[b]Bold text[/b] produces Bold text

[u]Underlined text[/u] produces Underlined text

[i]Italic text[/i] produces Italic text

[s]Strike-through text[/s] produces Strike-through text

[ins]Inserted text[/ins] produces Inserted text

[color=#FF0000]Red text[/color] produces Red text

[color=blue]Blue text[/color] produces Blue text

[sub]Subscript text[/sub] produces Subscript text

[sup]Superscript text[/sup] produces Superscript text

[h]Heading text[/h] produces

Heading text

You can create links to other locations or to email addresses using the following tags:

[url=]MTB XC un šosejas riteņbraukšanas forums[/url] produces MTB XC un šosejas riteņbraukšanas forums

[url][/url] produces

[email][/email] produces

[]My email address[/email] produces My email address

If you want to display an image you can use the img tag. The text appearing after the "=" sign in the opening tag is used for the alt attribute and should be included whenever possible.

[img=Luna BBCode Test][/img] produces Luna BBCode Test

Luna supports embedding from DailyMotion, Vimeo and YouTube. With the BBCode below, you can embed one of those services videos.

[video]Put the link to the video here[/video]

If you want to quote someone, you should use the quote tag.

[quote=James]This is the text I want to quote.[/quote]

produces a quote box like this:

James wrote

This is the text I want to quote.

If you don't want to quote anyone in particular, you can use the quote tag without specifying a name. If a username contains the characters [ or ] you can enclose it in quote marks.

When displaying source code you should make sure that you use the code tag. Text displayed with the code tag will use a monospaced font and will not be affected by other tags.

[code]This is some code.[/code]

produces a code box like this:

This is some code.

You can also use syntax highlighting for C, C#, C++, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Markdown, Pascal, PHP, Python, SQL, XHTML and XML. The language has to be noted on the first line inside the codetag and can't be on the same line as [code].

if ($db->num_rows($result) > 0)
    while ($cur_item = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
        if ($cur_item['visible'] == '1')
            $links[] = '<li><a href="'.$cur_item['url'].'">'.$cur_item['name'].'</a></li>';

produces a code box like this:

if ($db->num_rows($result) > 0)
		while ($cur_item = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
			if ($cur_item['visible'] == '1')
				$links[] = '<li><a href="'.$cur_item['url'].'">'.$cur_item['name'].'</a></li>'; 

[c]This is some code.[/c] produces a code box like this: This is some code.

To create a list you can use the list tag. You can create 2 types of lists using the list tag.

[list][*]Example list item 1.[/*][*]Example list item 2.[/*][*]Example list item 3.[/*][/list]
produces a bulleted list.

  • Example list item 1.

  • Example list item 2.

  • Example list item 3.

[list=1][*]Example list item 1.[/*][*]Example list item 2.[/*][*]Example list item 3.[/*][/list]
produces a numbered list.

  1. Example list item 1.

  2. Example list item 2.

  3. Example list item 3.

If enabled, the forum can convert a series of smilies to graphical representations. The following smilies you can use are:

:) and :simple_smile: produces :)

:| and :expressionless: produces :|

:( and :frowning: produces :(

:d and :D and :smile: produces :d

:o and :O and :hushed: produces :o

;) and :wink: produces ;)

:/ and :confused: produces :/

:P and :p and :stuck_out_tongue: produces :P

:lol: and :-)) and ^-^ and ^.^ and :blush: produces :lol:

:@ and :angry: produces :@

%) and :laughing: produces %)

b: and B: and :sunglasses: produces b:

:hc: and :sweat_smile: produces :hc:

(A) and (a) and :innocent: produces (A)

General use

Explains some of the basics on how to work with this forum software.

What do the labels in front of thread titles mean?

You'll see that some of the threads are labeled, different labels have different meanings.

Label Explanation
Threads marked with a check are solved according to the author.
Pinned threads are usually important to read. It's worth it to take a look there.
Much like pinned threads, these are important, however, they do not stay on the top of the list.
When a you see a closed label, it means you can't comment on that thread any more, unless you have a permission that overwrites this. The thread is still available to read, though.
This thread has been moved to another forum. Admins and moderators can choose to show this notification, or simply not show it. The original forum where this thread was located in, won't show and thread stats anymore.
This thread has received a new comment since you last visited the board.

Smilies, signatures, avatars and images are not visible?

You can change the behavior of the thread view in your profile settings. There you can enable smilies, signatures, avatars and images in comments, but they should be enabled by default unless your forum admin has disabled those features.

Why can't I see some threads or forums?

You might not have the correct permissions to do so, ask the forum administrator for more help.

Why can't I see any profiles?

You might not have the correct permissions to do so, ask the forum administrator for more help.

My profile doesn't contain as much as others?

Your profile will only display fields that are enabled and filled in in your settings. You might want to see if you missed some fields.